
Showing posts from December, 2019

TaDa Book 7 Mapped

While lying in bed this morning, waiting on the heat, I was in that drowsy state between sleep and awake.  During this state the general outline for book seven crystalized.  YEAH!!! Now I have to go back and fix the roadblock I inadvertently put into book six, fortunately, I haven't sent it to my beta readers yet.  And I'll have to check book five as well.  I'm pretty sure it won't need changes; if it does, my copy editor (Wife) might beat me severely about the head and shoulders:). I always want a solid outline of the next book before I release the current one, preferably the next two.  It is amazing how you can inadvertently write yourself into a corner.  Read my post staying out of corners. But you are now assured that books 5 and 6 are on their way, and book 7 is starting to take shape.

Last Line??

I just typed the last line of the sixth book Delphi Federation.  Now I need to let it sit for a few days.  Then I'll reread it and fix up a few things, then I send it to my beta readers to be shredded :(  Hopefully, I won't have to start over.  I'm sure they'll love it.  Won't they? Now to the joy of working with my Editor to finalize book five, Delphi Alliance.  I keep hearing things like "WHAT!" so I'm afraid there's a lot of work to do to get it ready for release before the end of January. Maybe she'll let me spend some time plotting book seven.  One can hope.


Today I had to fix three typos and two formatting errors in Delphi Station.  One of my readers ratted me out to the Amazon police.  And I want to thank them so much.  It is amazing how many errors get through the copy editor, proofreader, and tools like Grammarly.  It is embarrassing, but I'm happy to be able to fix them so my future readers don't get confused. Jonny, I've got a $100 Amazon gift certificate for you if you want to claim it. Feel free to email any mistakes you find to me at Thanks Bob

Pushing through roadblocks

I find that when I'm working on a section that I know I'm going to have to come back and tighten up, it's hard to stay focused.  I guess I'm spoiled by the parts that I seem to just be able to write from memory, all those daydreams.  When I have to buckle down and write, knowing a major rewrite is in order, I look for other things to do.  Even editing is more attractive. Back to plowing through that chapter.  My beta readers are going to hate me.

Still plugging away

All four books are in the top one hundred for science fiction.  WOW!!! I'm working hard on the next two.  My editor hasn't killed me yet for all the comma splices I leave in.  She's given up on getting me to spell things right:) Still shooting for late January for book five, she's editing away, but I make the job hard, or so she says. Book six is plotted, and I'm three-quarters complete with the first pass.  I'll have to have this one beta read a few times.  It's getting sticky to keep all the pieces moving in the same direction, to keep it interesting,  I hate a blah-blah-blah section in a book. If you want to connect, comment here, or email me at Keep on reading Bob

Science Factoid - 1

Did you know that the gravity on Saturn is less than the gravity on Earth? Weird, huh, but it's because gravity is defined as the gravitational force on the surface of the planet. Saturn is ten times more massive than Earth, it is also one-tenth the density while being ten times bigger in diameter.  So the math works out that Saturn's gravity is 9 m/s2 vs Earth's 9.8 m/s2

Home Stretch

Today, I made it to #28 in SciFi Authors, we'll have to see if it last. I've been holding steady around 68 for the last week. Sales are amazing; I don't know what I'm doing right, but I'll keep pretending if you will. Our house is on a charity home and garden tour today, I'm sure you don't care, but it means that tomorrow my Editor will finally get back to the next book. I hope to publish it in mid-late January. Book 6 is still kicking my ass, but I think I'm getting control of it. Look for it in March.