I reached my destination, now what???

 As you can tell, I'm not a great blogger.  I'm doing this one as a way to procrastinate working on my latest book.

When I started my Delphi in Space series I had a clear goal of where I wanted the series to go.  Not the end, but a major milestone.  That goal has driven my writing for the first ten books.  Number ten has just gone through its second draft, so don't get too excited,  It takes three to six months to complete a book.

Anyway.  I sat down to write a rough draft of book eleven when I realized that I had arrived at that major milestone and really hadn't thought about where I would take the series after that.   OOPS!

Well, I managed to get a good draft for that book, but it was tough and I'm very nervous about book twelve, the one I'm avoiding now.  I have a basic outline and some chapters sketched out, but to make it an interesting book, I'm going to have to stretch my writing skill a bit.  I hope i don't break my fingers:)


  1. More draft beer to go with the book drafts?
    How about a 20 year break, in the book not in RL, so that one can cleanly
    leave the Earth, and spend time with outer space development.

    1. I don't knew, what your major milestone is exactly, but a bigger break in the story of 5-20 years in an space fiction is very good idea.
      But that is very dependant of your end goal, and milestones.


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