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  1. Replies
    1. Bob Blanton--I'm not sure how else to contact you, but would like to offer my help in editing your works, which I absolutely love (13 in the Delphi line, so far)! I have a bachelor's and master's degrees in English, and taught Composition 1 in college for a few semesters, so I've graded/edited plenty of papers besides my own. The errors or typos I've noticed in your books aren't the world's worst, by any means, but can be distracting for anyone who is used to perfectly and professionally edited novels. I understand why those errors got through, as you've self-published your wonderful books, but think a little extra help may be called for. I'm completely retired and have little else to do, so I'd be glad to help with your editing without any charge. In fact, if you only trust me to re-edit your early books (or even just one as a test), I'd be glad to do that, too. I've noticed that your later novels have fewer of the errors I noticed in the first ones, so I believe you've either learned more about grammar and punctuation or have brought in another person who's good at them. I certainly can't find any criticisms of your imaginative story line(s) or development of your characters. I only wish I had your kind of imagination, but alas, that was not to be. People with an imagination like yours are to be treasured, as I believe you must be by all of your readers. I hope this reaches you, as I'd sincerely love to help in any way I'm able.

  2. Any release date for the next Stone book?

  3. love your books, I have the kindle and audible versions. I cant wait to see where the story goes and how the relationships in your latest book progress.
    I am have issues trying to see how mark will be able to switch the Delphinine government to a Democratic one. I cant see it happening without elected officials doing what they do best and ruin it all.
    either way I have loved your story and I am wondering when you see your next book coming out I would gladly pre order it on kindle.
    I have one question are you planning to have this series extend out with many books and if you have not decided and are willing to listen to you readers I would like to say I hope you do and I enjoy these adventures.
    I would compare your series with the Honor Harrington Series as far as the way you keep the progression of the storyline flowing easily for your readers. although I hope you do not get board and abruptly end the story the same way.
    Please keep doing the good work you do.

  4. I share your same concern about the transition to democracy:) We'll have to wait and see. I love feedback and suggestions from my readers. I am especially curious about what you guys think of Delphi Diversion and its different approach, more mystery than SciFi. And that will be continued a bit in the next book, Delphi Forge. The series has reached the culmination of harvesting the technology from the Sakira, so it has to change up a bit.

    Of course, Catie is just 18, so lots of stores left in here.

    Storie ideas are always welcome, I read a lot hoping to find some ideas in those books.


    1. I think your transition from Book 10 (Delphi League) to Book 12 (Delphi Diversion) was a success it give you many options for your story line. I think this was a master stroke for this series and keeps your reading audience in suspense as to your direction. you have story lines that can be explored as it relates to Book 7 (Delphi Exploration) and the Paraxeans and Book 8 (Delphi Colony) and how humanity builds a extra solar colony which could provide a good spinoff direction if a new story line takes up issues that came to light as it concerns colonialism and some of Earth's governments that is brought up in I believe book 11 I think (I don't want to give any spoilers away). as it concerns Catie I was surprised and did not this books direction coming. even the title did not give any hints of your plot. Book 12 opens so many options I cant see where your going.

      you could progress your story of earths progress into a new age and how the governments respond to the transition from none space faring to colonizing as a side story that I find interesting. Isaac Arthur who touches these issue on you tube.

      I would hate to give away any of your books story lines away as I would like to not spoil it for new readers which I recommend read this series. with that in mind I like the way you have progressed with Catie it has the feel of a heroin and yet leaves the reader with a feeling of, I could see this being a real person although rare in ability, while being not soo far fetched to make her unreal. I can see possible military expansion and the codification of the Delphi Government. solving mysteries from book 12 and meeting know races that have been discovered by the Paraxeans earlier in there history.

      I can see that depending on how this series progresses into the future you can begin a new series further along by generations if you decide to keep Delphi as a constitutional monarchy.

  5. Hi Bob, Still on track for a January release for Delphi Forge?

    1. Yes, but i'm going to slip it to the second Tue in Jan to avoid all the holiday noise. It just needs to be uploaded now.


    2. Delphi Forge just released but not as Kindle unlimited is this correct?

  6. It is pre-released for Ebooks. It's comes out tomorrow in Kindle unlimited.

    1. Good book really enjoyed it, very minor note at the end of the book it has
      "Thanks for reading Delphi Embassy!
      I hope you’ve enjoyed the eleventh book in the Delphi in Space series. "

  7. Have really enjoyed the whole series! I hope we will be hearing about the Thoreans , the Husari and the Vacosi in the next installment!

  8. Looking forword to buy this Bob Blanton Book.

  9. Greetings Bob!

    We are getting close to the next potential book release! Could you share with your fans any news or title of the next release? Many Thanks!

  10. Ha, ha, wouldn't I have to shoot you first:)

    Next book is Delphi Envoy, then the working title for the next book is Delphi Diplomacy.

    I'm now formatting Envoy for release


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