Oops, that is a long way
When reading and even when writing Science Fiction, we sometimes forget just how far apart things are. The fringe of our solar system is beyond Neptune, whose orbit is thirty AUs, thirty times farther from the sun than Earth. Jupiter is only five times farther. When writing book five, Delphi Alliance, I carefully calculated the distances and times. In Delphi Federation, I used those numbers, but I glossed over the extra distance from forty-fifty AUs to sixty. And in book seven, I used the numbers from Delphi Alliance. Oops. My wife mentioned to me that the travel times seemed short. After assuring her that I had run the numbers multiple times, I thought, hey, why not. I ran them again, and Oh shit, I was off by weeks. I panicked. Necessity being the mother of invention, I spent the day and night trying to come up with a way out of my problem without having to rewrite books seven and eight....